
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Weekend Cooking: Red Bean Chili

One of the things I wanted to do more of this year was cook. It has been slow in happening, but the last few weeks has seen more of me in the kitchen preparing meals. I admit to being a bit lazy when it comes to cooking. I want easy, fast prep and no fuss cooking. Easy clean up, too, but if not I can always pass that off to the hubby. :)

Anyway, I have been having fun looking through cookbooks, my mother-in-law's recipes and Pinterest for ideas and menus and have managed to find a good number of meals that meet my criteria. Now, I am not cooking everyday- small steps, right?

This past Sunday I made chili for dinner. It was a recipe from my MIL that the hubby loves. Red beans, ground beef, bacon, tomatoes and spices slow cooked for a few hours and served on a bed of rice. (I used brown basmati.) I also had cheddar cheese and sour cream to add if wanted. 
As with a previous dish I had made (baked pasta dish) it came out not as flavorful as I like. The hubby said it was okay but I like a lot of flavor. Next time- more cumin! Another issue- the liquid didn't cook off as much as I hoped so it was a bit runny. Need to drain off more liquid beforehand.
All in all, it was pretty good. Will definitely make again. 

Beth Fish Reads has a great feature called Weekend Cooking that I am hoping to participate more in. This will be my first post of hopefully many. :)
Here's Beth's info that I will only share this time, but the button will lead you to Beth's post this week.

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page. For more information, see the welcome post.


FTC Disclosure: Clicking on title and image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. Baby steps will get you there! The chili looks yummy. I've added your link to today's post so more people will see it.

    Welcome to Weekend Cooking!

    1. Thanks Beth. I was a bit late last week. :)

  2. yum indeed...and of course we want cheese!

  3. I grew up eating chili and it is one of my favorite comfort foods. I like mine bursting with flavor as well.

  4. Love chili, yours looks so good! I get the same thing with the liquid, I sometimes add some masa flour to thicken it up. Over rice sounds delicious.

    1. THat is a good idea. Thought about adding flour to make it more gravy-like. :)

  5. It looks good! I like it kind of liquidy, but if you don't that will boil off if you cook it longer.

    1. Thanks. It wasn't bad. Plus, It will boil off when I cook what is in the freezer. :)

  6. Looks delish! Chili is a staple at our house. Try adding some beef bullion to it for more flavor and I always put a dash of Tabasco cause I love it hot! Not posting this week just visiting and welcome to WC!

  7. I think this will have to be on my menu really soon! Thanks

  8. We made chili tonight! We do a vegetarian version and make it very spicy with a chipotle pepper and a locally-ground chili powder.

  9. I really need to find a good chilli recipe. I liked it a lot but the bought stuff here isn't anywhere near as good as my memory of a brand I used to buy in the UK.


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