
Friday, July 8, 2011

Books to Movies

I have been noticing that many books that I have read/reviewed in the past few years will soon be made into movies. These are a few I am excited to see. 
Austenland (review)(imdb)
The Perks of Being A Wallflower (review)(imdb)
The Hunger Games (review)(imdb)

Any others that I should be looking out for?

FTC Disclosure: Clicking on title and image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I had no idea Austenland was being made into a movie. I'll put that one of my list of films to watch in 2011.

    I'm looking forward to The Hunger Games movie - I only hope it lives up to expectations.

  2. I know. I just learned about it but I think it won't be out until 2012.

  3. Hoped to see Hotel on The Corner of Bitter and Sweet made into film but that's iffy.

  4. Liz- I would want to see that one. I loved the book. :)


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