
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Review: Dreamwalk by Sarah MacManus

Dreamwalk by Sarah MacManus

Chloe has it rough. Her mom has died and she has moved to a new city and school. She also has a hard time getting a good night's sleep due to some vivid terrifying dreams where she is falling to her death. 

A friend introduces her to a band's website and she becomes a bit obsessed with the lead singer. She begins to dream about him and takes solace in the friendship and love that grows between them. The dreams, however, turn out to be her actually traveling in her sleep into this boy's life while he is in a treatment facility for heroin addiction. 

The premise is interesting and the conclusion was surprising, but I had a couple issues. First, this book is considered YA and yet the sex scene was more explicit than in most YA books. A little too much description for a book geared toward young readers, in my opinion. I don't mind sex scenes in books usually, but they don't belong in a Young Adult book. 

The drug use and expletives I had no problems with when it concerned Shane. He was depicted very realistically as a drug addict in treatment and it would have rang false without them. Again, though, since this is geared to teens, I don't think Chloe's experimentation with heroin and need of it to Dreamwalk was necessary. 

The last thing is just me being a bit picky. There were some editing issues, such as grammar, and sometimes I felt like one paragraph didn't relate to the next, losing the flow of the narrative due to me completely getting lost and feeling as though I missed something. 

However, when it got going it was very entertaining and full of great imagery. I liked Dreamwalk, and do look forward to seeing and reading more by Sarah MacManus.


Source: ebook for review from author

For more info about the author and the book visit


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