
Monday, April 11, 2011

New E-Books

This week I had no books in the mail but I did have some come electronically onto my phone. There were many Kindle e-books on Amazon available for free and/or greatly reduced in price that I couldn't resist. Plus, reading on my iPhone is much easier these days than reading an actual book. Much easier to hold my phone than a book while feeding or rocking the little girl to sleep in the dark. 

So here is what I got, all in e-book format:

Wings Free with Bonus Material
Wings by Aprilynne Pike

Mr. Darcy, Vampyre
Mr. Darcy, Vampire by Amanda Grange

and for review

Dreamwalk by Sarah MacManus

This month, the Mailbox Monday Blog Tour is hosted by Amy of Passages To The Past . Next month, you will find it here, at MariReads.

FTC Disclosure: Clicking on title and image links will lead you to my Amazon Affiliate page.


  1. I've heard good things about Wings - hope you enjoy your new reads!

  2. I have Wings on my wishlist and I hope you enjoy it!

  3. I downloaded Wings last week on my Nook. It is much easier to read one handed with an e-reader.

  4. I read Wings a year or two ago and thought it was pretty good. Enjoy!


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