
Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Sunday Salon

I have been unable to get online the last couple weeks as often as I like since we still don't have dsl set up in our new place. It should all be set up later this week, hopefully. I have been going down the street to a coffee shop for a couple hours to get some much needed stuff done, driving course to take care of a speeding ticket, ordering baby stuff and figuring out what we need to get our car registered here and get new licenses.  Hoping I can get all caught up before baby comes.

I have been getting some reading done and have some reviews that I would like to write and post. I meant to get my review of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins up a long time ago, but it will have to wait a little longer. I also finished The Keepsake by Tess Gerritson and The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson. 

Have any of you watched the movie of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? I just saw it last night and was wondering what others thought of it? I found it to be a pretty good book adaptation, not missing too much from the book but it did throw in some info from the second book that I thought was interesting.

Hope you are all having a good Sunday. 



  1. I just watched the movie a couple weeks ago and liked it. I thought Lisbeth was a little talkative, but then it's difficult to translate all her silence into screen time.

    My favourte scene was the one where she went to his room, made love with him and then got up and walked out when she was done. Score one for women! :o)

  2. Baby?? I didn't realize you were expecting Mari....congrats!

  3. BlackSheep- I know! Loved that, too. She did talk a lot more in the movie than I would have expected but your right, I think it would be hard to have her be as introverted as she is in the books.

    Biblio-Yup! She is due on the 15th of September. Very soon. :)

  4. Hey, I too wasn't aware you are expecting! Congratulations!

    Here is my Sunday Salon post!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)