
Friday, January 29, 2010

Book review- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Vintage)The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson

Surprisingly, I hadn't heard all that much about this book before picking up a copy. I had seen it around but didn't really realize there was such hype surrounding it. I bought it when I saw it on sale through Amazon and read the blurb. It sounded interesting, it had good reviews and it was a good price.

I started reading it over the holidays, intrigued by the first chapter but then lost interest when it got very detailed with financial/business dealings. It was a little too cerebral for holiday reading so I switched to something else. I didn't pick it up again until this past weekend. Once I got passed the slow part mentioned above I was hooked. The 500+ book didn't seem all that long.

Mikael Blomkvist, a financial journalist who has just been convicted of libel, is approached by Henrik Vanger to research the mysterious disappearance of his niece 40 years ago. The mystery drags you into the interesting and sometimes disturbing lives of the Vanger family and everyone who lives on the island of Hedeby. Lisbeth Salander, a very intriguing and mysterious researcher for a security firm helps Mikael in his investigation of what happened to Harriet Vanger.

Family drama, an unsolved "locked door mystery", corporate intrigue, and wonderfully complex characters. This book had everything I love in a good mystery thriller. I can't wait to read the next two books in the Millennium Trilogy.


Source: purchase


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Book Review- Magyk by Angie Sage

Magyk (Septimus Heap, Book 1)Magyk by Angie Sage

Wizards, witches, boggarts and magic! Throw in a map and I am sold. Have I mentioned before how much I love maps in books? 

Magyk is the first book in the Septimus Heap Series and it starts off with a mystery. A baby girl is found by Silas Heap on the same night that his son, Septimus, is born and dies. The Heaps take care of the girl child as their own always wondering who she is. On her tenth birthday the truth comes out. Now they must do all they can to keep Jenna safe. Along the way, they discover what happened to Spetimus as well.

It is not a secret that I am a big fan of the Harry Potter books, so when these books came out awhile ago I didn't really want to read them. So many books were coming out after the success of JK Rowling's books that I was sure some of them weren't going to be all that great. However, these books were recommended to me by someone else who loves Harry and Co. just as much as I do so I got myself a copy.  

The story is original, the adventure fun, the characters interesting and the mystery of Septimus Heap intriguing. I couldn't put the book down once I started. I have Flyte already and it has made it to the top of that very large TBR pile next to my bed.


Source: purchased

Monday, January 25, 2010

Book review- Mia the Magnificent by Eileen Boggess

Mia the Magnificent
Mia the Magnificent by Eileen Boggess

Mia the Magnificent is the third book in The Mia Fullerton Series by Eileen Boggess. Having not read the two previous books. Mia the Meek and Mia the Melodramatic, I feared that it would be hard to get into this one. This was not the case. This could easily be read and enjoyed without having read the previous books.

Mia is a sophomore at St. Hilary's. She has a couple ex boyfriends to deal with, a best friend getting over a break up, the school musical and driver's ed. She manages her way through it all with a good sense of humour and faith that all will turn out well in the end. 

Eileen Boggess has written a very good series for teens with all the drama of high school minus the drugs, drinking and sex that parents might not want their children reading about. If you are looking for an entertaining, more innocent look at high school (Catholic Private School) this is a good choice. 


Source: Bancroft Press (Thanks, Harrison.)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

DNF: The Alchemyst by Michael Scott

The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas FlamelHere is another book to add to my "did not finish" list. I have to say, I wanted to give up pretty early on. First chapter in fact, but I pushed through a bit further before saying "no more".  

The writing was fine, the premise interesting but the research done...terrible. Michael Scott begins his story in San Francisco during the summer. The characters think it is weird that two men are wearing long wool coats. This isn't weird. Have you ever been in SF during the summer? It is cold. It doesn't get above the 60s very often. So, that got me thinking, Has Mr. Scott been in San Francisco during the summer?  

The next thing that bothered me would probably go unnoticed by most people. The main characters' parents supposedly moved them to San Francisco because they got jobs as professors of Archeaology at UCSF. Well, that is impossible. UCSF is a graduate school for Health Services-Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy. Yup, no archaeology. 

So, really, I don't have much to say about the actual story. I just couldn't get passed these two things for some reason.  

Those of you who have read it, was it good?


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Unsung YA Faves

Kelly of YA Writer Wannabe sent out a request for our favorite unsung YA books. Those wonderful books that have not made it big ala Twilight. Well, I jumped at the oppurtunity to share my faves, because these are definitely books that have not garnered as much attention as they deserve. Be sure to check out all the great books shared today by visiting Kelly's blog where all those participating will be linking their posts.
Have a great YA day!

My List of Faves:

Thanksgiving at the Inn by Tim Whitney (26)
The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson (399)
Courage in Patience by Beth Fehlbaum (20)
House of Dance by Beth Kephart (44)

(#) = LibraryThing members that have listed the book in their libraries.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas Hat #4

Christmas Hat #4
Originally uploaded by my_weezy
Well, the pattern is my own and I can't remember the yarn. I do know the grey is doubled up and the beige is not. I didn't quite have enough of the grey to finish the hat so I mixed in the beige at the top.

The hat was for my brother in law who lives in NYC. His sisters were laughing that the hat would make a great target for the pigeons. Haha.

Anyway, it is very warm and cozy if a bit of a bird poop target. :)

Upcoming reviews

It has been a crazy week and I have been a bit preoccupied with other things going on right now. I am really behind in writing reviews especially, but not in reading. I seem to have plenty of time to keep reading. I have two books finished that I need to review so keep a look out for them later this week.

Magyk by Angie Sage
Mia the Magnificent by Eileen Boggess

I am currently reading:

The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson

So these reviews to come soon as well.

No new books to report this week. Which is good, I am trying desperately to shrink my TBR pile.

Have a good week.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Book Review- According to Jane by Marilyn Brant

According To Jane
According to Jane by Marilyn Brant

An interesting concept: As a teen, Ellie Barnett, begins to hear Jane Austen in her head giving her advice on love and life. The book follows Ellie's life, sexual experiences and loves from her teens into her thirties while Jane points out each boy/man's faults. They attempt to pigeon hole each guy into a certain category... Bingley- like, Darcy-ish, or a Wickham. During this 20 year span, Ellie comes to realize that her teen crush, the one that broke her heart, was more Darcy than Wickham. 

I enjoyed it for the most part. I think I would have actually enjoyed the story more without the weird in-her-head conversations with Jane Austen. The sex scenes were a bit explicit, which may be a problem for some. They didn't really bother me, but be forewarned. They were definitely not expected in a book inspired by Jane Austen. 


Source: Amazon, free ebook 


Christmas Hat #3

Christmas Hat #3
Originally uploaded by my_weezy
Pattern: Umbilical Cord hat by Jennifer L. Jones
Source: Stitch n' Bitch
Yarn: Cascade Yarns 220 Quatro
Needles: US 6

Well, this started out as a Christmas hat for my niece but after seeing how big she was at Thanksgiving I realized it wasn't going to fit her head. So, this hat went to another worthy little girl. Eliza, a college roommate's new baby is the lucky owner.

My friend sent a picture of little Eliza wearing her new hat on their way out for a walk. So cute.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Book Review- Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters

I started this book a little apprehensively. First of all, Sense and Sensibility is my least favorite book by Jane Austen and secondly, I was thinking the fad of these mash ups had run its course with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. However, I was actually pleasantly surprised with how interested I got into the mystery of the 5 pointed star that Elinore keeps seeing and Margaret's findings on their small island.

So, I guess I should explain a little. The story does, pretty much, follow the original storyline but with some added mysteries and interesting sea creatures. I love poor Colonel Brandon and his tentacled face. (Just look at that cover!) Poor guy doesn't catch a break in this book. Also, Margaret has more of a part in this one but still in the background up until the end. 

The twist with Lucy Steele was also quite interesting and fun. It took me surprise on page 130 to find that Lucy has a tramp stamp! I am sure you are wondering how that gets found out, huh? An interesting twist that works in the end.

This was really a fun book. Glad I gave it a chance. Much better than P&P&Z.


Source: Quirk Books (Thanks, Melissa)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

First books of 2010

I completely forgot to share the books I got for Christmas and over break.

The hubby got me the Septimus Heap Books 1&2 Boxed Set. I started reading the first book on Saturday night. Good so far.

On Toni's recommendation, I picked up a copy of Knit Two by Kate Jacobs to read before starting Knit the Season.

Mia the Magnificent
A couple books also came in the mail. From Bancroft Press for review, I got Mia the Magnificent by Eileen Boggess. 

And through BookMooch, I received the third book, The Wide Window, in A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

2009 Challenge Wrap Up

Completed 8/09

My Serial Challenge Books

1 series completed.

Completed 5/09

My A to Z Books

23/26. Incomplete.

My eBook Challenge Books

4/10 books read. Incomplete.

Completed 11/09

Completed 10/31
