
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Book Blogger Holiday Swap

This was my first time participating and I am so glad I decided to join in the fun this year. My wonderful Secret Santa sent me some lovely gifts. Thank you, thank you!

I received Knitorama by Rachael Matthews, a really cool bookmark that is a replica of a rug from China, a cute note pad and some M&Ms all in a really awesome bag.

(Sorry no photos. Camera is dead at the moment.)

Happy Holidays!



  1. Glad to hear you received a lovely parcel. Enjoy your book and MM's!

  2. Sounds like lots of neat stuff! Happy knitting!

  3. Sounds like a great book --love the cover. enjoy

  4. Hi Mari, glad the gifts arrived and I hope you enjoy them all :-). I also hope there is at least one project in the book you'd like to get to eventually! Happy Holidays to you, too.

  5. wahooo I am the 100th follower haha. I love being an even number. Looks like a pretty excellent gift from your secret santa! Happy holidays

  6. Yay! 100th follower! That means I get to have my 100th Follower giveaway.

  7. This was my first year too. Wasn't it fun?


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