
Sunday, September 13, 2009

wedding shawl update

Wow. It has been a long time since I have posted anything about my knitting. I have been desperately trying to finish knitting my friend's shawl that she will be wearing for her wedding. It is coming along nicely. I really like how soft it is and how simple but pretty the pattern is. I am getting close to finish. I have the week to get it done and the weekend to block it. We will be leaving for CA on the 23rd. I will be sure to take some pictures once it is done and I feel the need to document my first lace blocking attempt. I really hope I don't make a mess of it.

I have blocking mats and wires that I ordered from KnitPicks. I think I have some pins. I am all ready to get to it.

Wish me luck on getting this done on time!


  1. I am sure it is going to be lovely! What a labor of love!

  2. Good Luck. You can do it! I love that yarn too. I am now using it for a Swallowtail shawl. Hope to see your FO soon!


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