
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Salon (6/7/09)

The first weekend of my summer vacation and I am sick. Full on cold-stuck in bed with a stuffed up head and snot-rags strewn about. Absolutely no fun at all. I should be out and about enjoying the freedom that comes after the last day of school, not holed up in my bedroom with fever and chills. 

Well, the only good thing about this is that I have all the time in the world to read. I have managed to finish three books in the past 48 hours. I have also consumed a whole lot of OJ and watched an entire season of Arrested Development on DVD. I am being quite productive. :)-

Well, that is about all for today. 

The StrainDo check out my current giveaway for 2 copies of The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. It ends on Tuesday. It is amazingly not as popular as I thought it would be. My theories: everyone who reads this blog either (1) already has a copy, (2) is not a fan of scary vampire books, (3) does not live in the US.  I am not the one sending out the books, so unfortunately it is only open to those of you who live here. 

One more thing, actually, I wanted to thank Rebecca of Lost in Books for awarding me the One Lovely Blog Award.  Rebecca has One Lovely Blog herself, so go and visit.

Happy Sunday. Hope you are all having a better one than me. 


***Current Giveaway: The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. Open until Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00pm CST.


  1. I hope you feel better soon. At least you got lots of reading done.

  2. Scrap Girl- Thanks! And, yes, I have . I should have signed up for that 48 Hour Reading Challenge that I keep seeing around. I would have done well. :)

  3. Thanks for the heads up on the contest, and feel better!!

  4. I hope you feel better soon too! Take care of yourself!

  5. Thank you for the get well wished. I hope to feel better, too. :)


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