
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Book Review- Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill

Heart-Shaped Box: A Novel Heart-Shaped Box: A Novel by Joe Hill

An aging rocker and a known collector of the morbid and grotesque, Judas Coyne can't pass up bidding on a ghost and his funeral suit that his assistant shows to him on an online auction site. His winning bid on the randomly found item (that just so happens to be a ghost) turns out not to be so random. The seller and the ghost have every intention of getting into Jude's home for the sole purpose of haunting him to death.

This was quite the ghost story. It was one I had trouble putting down. The visuals that Joe Hill presents are truly frightening. The scribbled over eyes of the dead really freaked me out. Hill definitely has some of the horror writing talent of his dad, Stephen King. The reason behind the haunting is surprising and horrible. 

An absolutely scary, under the covers, with all the lights on read. 

This one is now getting passed on to my Stephen King loving friend. I can't wait to get her reaction to it, see if she likes it just as much.



***Current Giveaway: The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. Open until Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00pm CST.


  1. I've had this one in my TBR for a long time. I love scary books :)

  2. I liked this one when I read it; think I had the audio version.

  3. Hi, Mari. I really enjoyed this book, too. It reminded me of some of King's early books. I think Hill has great potential and I'm anxious to see what he does in the future.

  4. I really need to read this book. I read "20th Century Ghosts" last year and didn't like it as much most other people. The stories were good, just not my idea of scary.I am interested to see how I'd like his novel though.

  5. Yvonne- Me, too. I can't get enough of them.

    Diane- Ooh, I bet it was good in audio.

    LuAnn- I think so, too. I can't wait to read more from him.

    J.S.- I haven't read 20th Century Ghosts. I believe it was written before this book but came out after. Is that right? Can't wait to see what other stories he comes up with.

  6. I'm reading 20th Century ghosts by Joe Hill on and off and although it isn't scary, I'm loving it just the same. I can't wait to get to this book.

  7. Okay, your review has freaked me out just enough to add it to my list! And I'm interested to see what Stephen King's son has to offer the book world. Great review!

  8. You know what, I did start listening to it on audio last year and I thought it was boring. I don't know why. Maybe it was the narrator, especially that your review sounds like it was a great book and I have heard other people liking the book as well. I might have to try to read it instead and see if I like it better.

  9. Violet- It is on my to buy list.

    Stacy- Thanks, happy to share the creepiness with others. :)

    lilly- Bad narration can really hurt a book. I have only listened to a few audiobooks, but made sure to listen to clips on iTunes before purchasing so I could make sure the reader was good. :)

  10. I liked this one too, it had the feel of Stephen Kings first books. I wasn't all that crazy about 20th Century Ghosts though. I'm looking forward to seeing another full-length novel from Hill.

  11. Joanne, I agree. It reminded me of King's early books which are actually the only ones I have read. I have not read any of his newer books. I can't wait to read whatever he writes next.

  12. I LOVED this book. It spooked the pants off me. My boyfriend bought it for himself but I liked it so much I'm holding it ransom. I have never read Stephen King (I am too scared) but Joe did a great job with this book. Great Review!

  13. I loved this one too!! It's been a long time since I've read a book that actually made me scared to turn off the lights at night, and this one succeeded!!


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