
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Wii has taken over

I am having a very hard time getting my books read or any knitting done. 


Well, the hubby and I broke down this weekend and bought ourselves a Wii. Yup, we are now completely addicted to it and we only have one game! Guitar Hero. We can't stop ourselves from turning it on anytime we have a few minutes (ok, hours) to spare. We also have the Wii Fit so we have been using that as well. 

30 minutes (at least) of Wii Fit each day since we got it on Friday and I won't mention how much time has been spent on Guitar Hero. It is just too much fun. I can't stop playing Knights of Cydonia! Love me my Muse.


  1. We have been very tempted to buy one too - especially for the wii fit. Sounds like it is worth it??

  2. OK, Now please tell me Wii Fit is woth buying the Wii. I need justification!

  3. So far, I am liking it. The Yoga and Strength Exercises are actually pretty good and I am sore, which I take to be a good sign. The aerobics stuff is ok but I would rather go out and walk instead. However, the hula hoop...very fun and tiring. So, if you really go full out while using it it is good and it tracks your progress, which is nice.

  4. Get Mario Kart! It's SO fun...but really, wear the wrist strap. A friend of mine lost at Mario Kart a few weeks ago and well, they had to get a new tv.

  5. Emily- I love Mario Kart! Used to play on old Nintendo a long time ago. Next pay check!. :)

  6. I love Guitar Hero! It is very addicting. Haven't played in awhile. Might be a fun 'date' for tonight:)
    Glad you are joining the Wii revolution :)

  7. I got Wii Fit two months ago and I still love it! I never thought exercise could actually be fun. I haven't played Guitar Hero, but my cousin and his wife have Rock Band which I love and need to buy for myself!

  8. Stacy- Very addictive! May have to start it up right now. :)

    Ruth- Oh good, I would hate to get sick of it after paying so much for it. Rock Band is fun. Especially when playing with my niece and nephew on theirs. :)

  9. Lol! I'm so behind on my google reader, blogging and reading because we just got a Wii too :) I've been having a blast with WiiSports and I can't wait to try WiiFit - I've heard it's terrific for a quick workout. The boxing game seems like it's good for upperbody - my arms feel like jello :P


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