
Monday, March 2, 2009

Current Read and a Teaser

A couple weeks ago I received my first Tamora Pierce book through BookMooch. I have heard only great things about her books and was excited to see one of her books available for mooching.  Sandry's Book is the first in the Circle of Magic Quartet. 

From the back cover:
With her gift of weaving silk thread and creating light, Sandry is brought to the Winding Circle community. There she meets Briar, a former thief who has a way with plants; Daja, an outcast gifted at metalcraft; and Tris, whose connection with the weather unsettles everyone, including herself. At Winding Circle, the four misfits are taught how to use their magic - and to trust one another. But then disaster strikes their new home. Can Sandry weave together four kinds of magical power and save herself, her friends, and the one place where they've ever been accepted?
I am only a couple chapters in, but am already intrigued by these kids and what is going to happen to them. This is a book I can lose myself in for a little while. Here's a little teaser for you...
"A gust of wind bowled them onto their rumps before it whipped around the room, pulling covers off beds, scouring belongings off the small shelves. By the time it roared out of the room, all the girls but Tris were screaming." page 17, Sandry's Book (Circle of Magic) by Tamora Pierce.

Grab your current read.
Let the book fall open to a random page.
Share with us two (2) “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12.

You also need to share the title of the book that you’re getting your “teaser” from … that way people can have some great book recommendations if they like the teaser you’ve given!
Please avoid spoilers!


  1. Sounds interesting. Let us know how you like it when you're done!

  2. I've never heard of these books, they sound interesting! I just love finding "new" books on BookMooch!

  3. I've got a couple of Tamora Pierce's books about a girl's sorority I think it is and I've read the first and enjoyed it. I'll be watching for your review on this one.

  4. That paints quite a picture. Thanks for sharing. This is the first I've heard of Tamoris Pierce's books.

  5. That was some wind! Haven't heard of these books before, but they sound interesting. Nice teasers.


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