
Saturday, January 31, 2009

foliage ii- R.I.P

foliage ii
Originally uploaded by my_weezy
While in CA over the holidays I lost my hat. The hat I wore daily because it fit my big head perfectly. It was on the first night out in San Francisco, out in the Haight celebrating my birthday with friends and many pitchers of Sangria. Somewhere along the way, either on the way home for the night or the next day on our walk to the CalTrain station, I lost it. It fell out of my coat pocket and has not been seen since. I really hope that it has found its way on to someone's head. It is just way to warm and cozy to be laying in a gutter somewhere.


  1. Awe how sad! I want to rush to CA and find it for you! I have friends in CA that could start a search party, but unfortunatly none in San Fran. Bummer. Hopefully you can make a foilage ii #2.

  2. Did you make another one? It sure looks great on you. Someone sure made out with this find.

  3. Oh, I'm sorry you've lost it, but I do hope it has a good home now!

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The only consolation is that with the homeless situation in SF (unless it's changed a lot since the last time I was there), it probably did find a needy home.

  5. Hi, Mari!

    I have been lurking around, not commenting much... but wanted to pop in and say hello!


  6. Oh what a bummer! Hope it has at least been picked up and not left where it fell. What about cheering yourself upand buy some new wool for Hat mark 2. Thanks for visitng my blog. I am off to look at the resources as my knitting needs all the help it can get!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)