
Monday, December 22, 2008

A Christmas Carol- Book Review

A Christmas Carol read by Jim Dale A Christmas Carol read by Jim Dale by Charles Dickens

A true classic.

This was so thoroughly entertaining even though I knew the story and had seen it (not read it) before. I listened to most of this in one sitting while finishing up my Christmas gifts. A perfect book to listen to. A perfect way to remember what Christmas is all about and the need to keep the Christmas spirit throughout the year. This will be one I listen to every year for certain.

I must admit, though, that in reading (listening) I kept picturing Disney characters in the parts of Bob Cratchit (Mickey), Scrooge (Donald Duck) and Marley (Goofy). Mickey's Christmas Carol was where my knowledge of the story came from.

Jim Dale is the perfect narrator, using many wonderful voices for all the characters and filled every moment with emotion and drama. Wonderfully read.


Classics Challenge


  1. I finally read Christmas Carol for the first time this year and loved it.

    I'll have to look for the Jim Dale audio book...I've loved him since I was a little kid (a la Pete's Dragon). He's got an awesome voice with fabulous inflections. I'm sure he did a great job reading.

    Merry Christmas

  2. I must admit, though, that in reading (listening) I kept picturing Disney characters

    I am so glad that it's not just me who did that.

  3. What a great resource!


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