
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday Thingers

This week’s question: -LibraryThing’s Recently Added feature: do you look at it? Do you use it for ideas? Is there something listed there now that looks interesting to you? What have you added to your LT library recently?

You know, I hadn't really looked at the list before today. I just hit the refresh button and see a couple books that sound interesting. One that I have wanted to read for awhile now, The Memory Keeper's Daughter. The Orson Scott Card book, Lost Boys, I have never heard about before, but looks good.


  1. The Memory Keeper's Daughter is great, but it's sad.

  2. I don't usually look at the list because I've had that feature turned off. I think now I may start checking it out more often.
    Great photo in your header, by the way!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)