
Sunday, September 28, 2008

omg, I am so late in seeing this

APOOO Books tagged me with this back on the 19th, but I just found the email in my SPAM folder. Ack! I hate when that happens. It was supposed to be for BBAW. So here it is better late than never.

Write about 5 specific ways blogging has affected you, either positively or negatively.

1. I have met a lot of book-minded folks who like the same books as I do.

2. I have learned about wonderful books that I may not have ever heard of before had I not started reading book blogs.

3. I have been challenged to read more books than I usually do.

4.I have received great children's book recommendations that I can use in my classroom.

5. I have gotten to participate in great community building sites/challenges such as My Friend Amy's BBAW and found many great and new book blogs to read.

Sorry, this is so late, yasmin, and thanks for the tag.


  1. No problem better late than ever and I'm still enjoying your blog!

  2. I totally agree about being challenged to read more books. Some people read lightening speed! How do they do it!

  3. That SPAM folder doesn't work. I find my good mail in there all the time and SPAM in my mail...ugh!

  4. Yay for blogging :D It has affected me in many of those same ways too.


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