
Sunday, July 6, 2008

one half of a pair

Everytime I go away for awhile I come back and post a lot more than I usually do.
I go a little crazy. At least I have actual knitting progress (kinda) to share.
I joined the Fingerless Gloves Fanatics group on Ravelry last month and joined their June KAL to knit Merletto Mitts.

Right before leaving for Italy I finished the first of the pair so I could take the dpns to knit my sock (see below) on the trip.
Yes, I know, I need to have more than one set of US2 dpns.
Anyway, I never got a chance to show the finished mitt.

Merletto Mitt

It is a really cute mitt. I really like it. Still have no idea about the yarn except that it is a wool/alpaca mix. The pattern is hard to read, though. It is four pages long! For one pair of little mitts! I had to do a lot of cut and pasting of the pattern into a word doc, because I didn't want to waste all my printer ink on four pages of pattern and pictures I didn't need. I did manage to cut all that down to one page. Much easier to read.

I have made very minor changes... added an extra repeat of the pattern on the arm, one less for the hand, and made the top ribbing match the bottom (it is not written like that).


  1. 4 pages for one mitt?! I would have given up before I started. lol
    They turned out great though....very pretty and I love that color.

  2. They look great, I have still not tried these yet. What am I waiting for anyway?

  3. those are amazing! beautiful lace pattern. Noticed you are doing the TdF knitalong. I noticed a lot of knitters are joining in. I wish I could but it is not going to happen this time. Too many diversions right now :)

  4. Hi Mari, just wanted to let you know I've fixed the broken link to your blog on the TDFKAL site!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)