
Thursday, July 3, 2008

day of knitting and fiber

I had a really great day today. I think it is the first time that an entire day was devoted to knitting and shopping for yarn.

It started this morning with a knitting MeetUp at Nicki's. Lots of fun. great group of people and I got a lot done on my secret swap project (shh). I will definitely try to make it to a few more of these meetups before it is time to get back to work. I really enjoyed it.

Afterwards I met up with one of my friends from work who I taught to knit lat year. She picked a project from the Stitch 'n Bitch book, a baby blanket, that she wanted my help finding yarn and deciphering the pattern. We went to lunch at Guero's for some yummy tacos and then perused the aisles at Hill Country Weavers. She found some ribbon yarn to make a scarf with and some yarn for the blanket. She also picked up some Lamb's Pride to make a felted bag. Along with all this, she picked some much needed notions as well.

I was feeling really envious. I so wanted to fill up my own basket with yarns. I tried to refrain. I really did.

I may have left with some Berroco NaturLin. Unfortunately, it has some rayon in it so it wasn't included in the First Thursday discount. Oh well. I got 5 hanks. I have no idea what I am going to make with it.

We came back to the house and went over the pattern. Made sure she remembered to move yarn to the front or back when knitting the seed stitch. Showed her when to place markers.

Anyway, we had fun.

Hubby is not happy to see that I have someone to shop with. He knows how much of an enabler she is.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect day. I wish I was an enabler with you, lol.


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