
Sunday, June 8, 2008

if you want to destroy my sweater...

Pattern: Tangled Yoke by Eunny Jang
Source: Interweave Knits, Fall 2007
Yarn: Elsbeth Lavold Silky Wool
Needles: US 5

Please don't, I love this sweater. :)

Everything about it. The yarn, the cable across the yoke, the fit, the buttons. I love it. If only it wasn't so darn hot. I would love to wear this right now and show it off. Looking at the weather in Italy and London, I think I may be able to get a little use out if it in the evenings there...maybe. I am still debating whether or not to take it. If nothing else, it will keep me warm on the plane.

I went to JoAnn's the other day and chose these buttons. They are 1/2 inch shell buttons. Cute, right? I think they work perfectly with the color of the sweater. It was between these and some plastic ones that had the same color of the sweater swirled all over them. I think I made the right choice. These seemed a little nicer than the others.

I pretty much stuck to the pattern as written. Very easy to follow. I made the second size up with the exception of the sleeves. They were coming out really big for me so I went down a size for them. I am not a fan of baggy sleeves. I also added about an inch of length to the body. That is it.

I am very happy with it. I like this one much better than my first sweater. Fits better. I think that is what makes me like it so much more. I may actually get more use out of this one. Not "may", I will get more use out of it.


  1. Lying on the floor... lying on the floor - I'd come undone...

    Sorry - you started it! ha ha...

    The sweater is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Its really pretty! I love the button choice!!

  3. Yay! It looks great. The buttons are a good match for it. :)

  4. Very nice! I'm also glad you like it so much. That's always a bonus. It's set to get down to the 50s-60 at night in Southern Switzerland, so you might get use out of it on your trip. I'd bring it if I were you.

  5. What a great job you've done! Someday I'll be smart enough to untangle my yoke. Everything else is done on it. You offer more inspiration. That is gorgeous.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)