
Sunday, May 25, 2008

no knitting to see here

I seem to have slowed down in my knitting lately. I haven't pulled out my sweater or socks in a few days now and I am not really sure why. I have been reading more lately but that hasn't interfered with my tv watching which is when I usually knit. I am just not picking it up. It sits next to me in it's Ziploc bag untouched. I guess I am having a bit of knitter's block. :)

School is winding down. Lots of stuff to get finished and cleaned up. Grades need to be in by Wednesday. Flower bed has to look nice by 8:30am Tuesday. I need to go buy flowers! Awards Ceremony on Friday. Program on Thursday! I almost forgot that one. Need to begin cleaning up the classroom. Last day is on June 4th. Then I will need to focus on getting things ready for our trip to Italy. I am feeling unprepared for that. Everything is booked, itinerary settled on...I just need to figure out the packing situation. Backpack or get a new carry-on rollerboard? Osprey has a really nice one with straps if needed. A bit expensive, though.

Anyway, busy busy.


  1. I think I've lost my knitting mojo lately too. I just finished up a big project and haven't really figured out what to do next. I do a row here and there on some other projects, but nothing is really calling my name.

    It sounds like you have a really busy week ahead of you! Maybe when you slow down awhile you'll get your own mojo back.

  2. I say it's time to cast on something new. ;)

  3. Um, it's how hot there? Is it a wonder you don't want to knit?

    How much walking do you have to do? If it's a lot, you'll want the pull thingy. Backpacks get heavy and you don't want to wind up with cramp on your trip. Trust me on this one. Voice of experience here - specifically 8 hours in the Dallas Airport with a backpack :0)

  4. Yeah me too, I have a zillion things I wan to do but I can't decide so I do NOTHING. Hmm where's the fun? I am determined to find it again this week.

  5. I think I have everyone's mojo lately! I have knit, knit, knit - I guess it makes up for my 6 week knit outage I had in March and April.

    It will come back.

  6. After traveling around Europe for six months without a big backpack and only a small duffel bag and/or roller bags, I swore I would never go back to Europe without a large backpack. It would've made life SO much easier. Of course, if you already have reservations for your entire stay, I don't think excessive and unplanned walking will be something you'll have to worry about, so a roller might be better in that case!

  7. I can relate to feeling uninspired by knitting lately. I'm still knitting quite a bit, but nothing for myself and it makes me grumpy. hehe.
    The feeling waxes and wanes. :)


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