
Sunday, March 16, 2008

on an island in the sun

well, not anymore, unfortunately.

I am back.

Just got back today after a red eye flight.

We had a great time. We did absolutely nothing but sit by the pool/beach and enjoy drinks with umbrellas in them.
I managed to get a lot of reading done and some knitting. Still behind on my sotsii. I did finally finish Hint #7 and have gotten some rows done on #8. Yup, haven't even gotten to the last hint.

I see that the Malabrigo has got a lot of you interested. 81 comments! I have many emails in my inbox and lots of first posts to check out. Thank you all for sharing.

Off now to read all 205 new posts in my Reader. Ta ta.


  1. WB! I must have missed it, you went where? You travel a lot, don't you??

    Happy knitting!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)