
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

chocolate to the rescue

I may not be able to knit on the Log Cabin, but I am making some progress on the clapotis. I actually got to drop a stitch or two last night. It is a bit nerve racking. I kept checking to make sure I wasn't dropping the wrong one and crossing my fingers that I was doing it right. I am actully a bit worried that I am going to run out of yarn before this scarf/wrap is a useable length. I had 8 skeins to start and I am on the third now. My gauge is off a bit. The width is a little more than the 21' stated in the pattern. The length is supposed to be 55'. Urg. I am only about an inch along in the length and only 5 skeins left to make it. My fingers are crossed and I need a bite of my chocolate cupcake I bought earlier today.


  1. You still talk to Gauge? Really? I gave him the ol' heave ho long ago! :P

  2. Anytime I drop a stitch I lose a nerve.
    Also, you've been tagged by me!! :)


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