
Thursday, August 16, 2007

another wip

I used to be really good at only working on one knitting project at a time.

What has happened to me?

At this moment I have four different projects going on and none really close to being finished.

1. I can't bring myself to finish the ruffled surplice. I hate seaming, and I have only done it once!
2. I frogged a lace washcloth I made in a HCW class and restarted with some revisions to not have to make a lace edging. Going simple. I like simple.
3. I am about half way done with Shedir.
4. And now I have begun knitting the french market bag.

I had it in my queue and I bought the brown Berroco Ultra Alpaca I needed on Sunday morning at HCW. ( I am sad I didn't get to enjoy a Bellini with the others there. Husband was patiently waiting in the car for me and he had to get home to pack for his business trip.) I cast on yesterday and have already knit up the base and am a few rows before changing to my green yarn for the rest of the body. Which reminds me, I need to wind up a ball of that to be ready to use. It knits pretty fast and it is good mindless tv knitting so it will be done before the shedir, which requires my concentration or I cable in the wrong direction.

1 comment:

  1. Um, the working on more than one thing at a time thing is due to the influence of thepinksheep. I swear it is. I used to be the same, but in recent times have had up to three projects on the needles at once. It's Tara's fault, I swear (I'm thinking she's going to take this as a compliment, or at the very least, sucess :0)

    I'm curious about the market bag, but can't look at it right now. Damn firewall! 15 min. to the weekend and counting. I'll check it out tonight.


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