
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

jaywalker, take two

Yesterday I started on another pair of socks. I wanted to try out the Jaywalker pattern that everyone is doing. I started it with my Wildfoote yarn and got a few rounds into the zigzag pattern before i realized that this yarn wasn't a good choice for Jaywalker. You couldn't see the zigzag at all. I had to frog and put my yarn back in the bin. I pulled out the Knitpicks Dancing instead and cast on again. Still on the ribbing so not sure if this will work any better. It is a variegated yarn, so I have my fingers crossed that it will look much better.

I probably should have not started another pair of socks and continued with Ruffled Surplice. It needs to be finished, but it takes so much pattern reading that I can't do it while watching the Tour on tv or when my mom and dad here. They talk to me and I lose my place. I am very incapable sometimes of doing more than one thing at a time.

Mom and Dad are leaving tomorrow. Bright and early, I think. I am very happy I got those socks finished, even if they are a bit uneven. OOps. Anyway, mom will have some socks to keep her feet cozy on the drive back to California.

1 comment:

  1. What was the problem with the first yarn? Was it solid? Were the repeats too long? Too short? I'm asking because Jaywalker is on my "to knit" list.


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