
Thursday, July 5, 2007

family visit

The family is on their way. The first of the four arrives tonight by airplane. Parents tomorrow by car and the final one by plane tomorrow afternoon. Suffice it to say, not much knitting has been happening due to the cleaning that was much needed. It is all done now, ready for them to get here.
I was going to get back to work on my second sock, but realized that I have a short sleeve cardigan, knit from the top down, that needs its loose ends all tucked away so I can finally give it to my sister. It is another one of those ufo's that only needs finishing but I can't ever seem to get to it.
This is a really bad picture of it. It's black, so it it's hard to see the details or stitches. Anyway, I think I tucked up the loose ends so they wouldn't show, but they are there. Gosh, that really is a terrible picture.

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